Equations with two unknowns

Ugo The Alien guides the learner on another journey through the world of equations. This time the pupil is quickly taught about equations with two unknowns.

The innovative graphics in the interactive section with explanations, offer the interesting ability to repeat the main points of the program's material.

Solving equations The exercises are divided into three groups. The animated textual exercises are very interesting. The equations must be calculated initially with Ugo's assistance. The pupil can assign variables freely and solve the problem in many steps and ways. So-called blackboard exercises repeat the basic information on how one deals with equations by using different methods. Purely mathematical exercises train the pupil in how to find solutions, by using varyious degrees of difficulty which can be set. The animated textual exercises as well as the generated calculation exercises offer the pupil 3 lines for making entries. He can insert the method for calculating equations and determine the two unknowns in this field. The pupil can decide which method he would like to use. In this way, he can solve the problem by using an infinite number of steps. Alternatively, he might need only two of the three lines for making entries. Every step in the calculation is observed by Ugo. He points out errors in a detailed manner and explains how the error occurred. After the pupil has calculated the first variable, he will also have to calculate the second one.

If the pupil gets stuck, Ugo can provide him with hints that will lead him in the right direction.

Pupils often do not have the confidence to use this function! In order to eliminate unnecessary frustration, Ugo will also provide his tips for finding the solution (after repeated failure,) irrespective of the selected level of difficulty.

This is a well-balanced program!

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